jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Zombie Panic in Wonderland Plus - Available on the App Store


“Zombie Panic in Wonderland PLUS” is now on sale on the App Store!!

A promotional video also has been uploaded on the official game website.
Please check it out!!

In this development blog, I’ve focused on about the character designs and graphics.
Today, I’d like to talk about what this iPhone version is like.

“Zombie Panic in Wonderland PLUS”
This iOS game is based on the “Zombie Panic in Wonderland” for WiiWare launched in 2010, with many improved features plus.
The game’s controls and graphics have been completely redesigned for a perfect iOS adaptation, which provides a comfortable play for users. People who played the WiiWare version also will find a much improved playability.

From a fog of exotic perfume arises a plague of amorous zombies, and now they’re invading classic fairytale kingdoms! What the heck is going on here? Having returned to his city only to find it in shambles, our hero Momotaro heads west in search of clues.

The playable characters are famous protagonists of fairy-tales, like the Japanese hero Momotaro, the sweet Dorothy, the sexy and ice-cold Snow White, and more.
Their graphics and animations have been improved, too.

Places in connection with the main characters. You can destroy everything on the stage! Crush all in your way! You’ll see things you didn’t before…

We’re going to update the game constantly with new characters, new mode, new stages, and more. 
Please enjoy playing our game!!